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Saturday, November 26, 2011

Glamour Photography

Semenjak dua ni, semakin tertarik dengan dunia fotografi glamour. Disini sedikit info untuk dikongsi bersama yang diambil, salin dan cetak bulat-bulat dari web ini:

What Is Glam­our Photography?

When you were a kid, do you remem­ber play­ing dress-up?  You strut­ted in too-big-for-your-feet heels, sported your mother’s cos­met­ics, and styled your hair in a man­ner that emu­lated mag­a­zine cov­ers.  You walked around the house as if you owned it.  You felt like a super­star!  Your inner con­fi­dence shone through as a kid.  When was the last time you had that feel­ing?  Do you recall the emo­tion of being con­fi­dent and allow­ing your inner celebrity to shine through?  Alter­na­tively, what about ded­i­cat­ing a full day to escape life’s stresses, con­cen­trate on you, release your inner pop star and lib­er­ate your self-empowerment glow?  Why have you waited so long to retrieve these moments of self-worth?  It is time to evoke those emo­tions, and cap­ture it on film through glam­our photography

His­tory of Glam­our Photography

Glam­our pho­tog­ra­phy started in the early 1920s.  It was mainly reserved for celebri­ties.   When these pic­tures were pub­lished, it would arouse curios­ity and ado­ra­tion from fans.  Then, when pin-up mod­els were the rage, it changed.  Glam­our pho­tog­ra­phy focused on the sen­sual side.  Pin-up mod­els revealed much more skin.  Some mod­els posed in par­tial or full nudity, tak­ing glam­our pho­tog­ra­phy into a dif­fer­ent direc­tion completely.

With the arrival of Play­boy, glam­our pho­tog­ra­phy took off.  Play­boy was the cat­a­pult of glam­our pho­tog­ra­phy.  It exhib­ited a sen­sual, play­ful side, entic­ing the viewer, leav­ing the per­son yearn­ing to see more.  It teased the reader with­out reveal­ing too much.  Today, men’s mag­a­zines, such as Maxim and GQ have per­fected glam­our pho­tog­ra­phy.  Their images define mod­ern day glam­our pho­tos.  You see images per­son­i­fy­ing old pin-up style pho­tographs or in var­i­ous set­tings with a sex­ual twist.  For instance, there is an infa­mous photo spread of cook­ing tele­vi­sion per­son­al­ity Rachel Ray in Maxim Mag­a­zine.  In one of the pho­tos, Rachel Ray is in a kitchen set­ting, scant­ily dressed lick­ing frost­ing off a spat­ula.   She was extremely play­ful with the pho­tographs.  She is not a super­model. She is not overt in sex­u­al­ity, yet, in this pho­to­graph, she is proof that the girl next door oozes sex­i­ness too!

Top 3 Ele­ments Defin­ing a Suc­cess­ful Glam­our Pho­to­graph: Pose, Styling and Photographer
Pos­ing is Key to a Sexy Look
Regard­ing pos­ing, look at other images you wish to emu­late.  Flip through some pop­u­lar men’s mag­a­zines.  Think about what pose would accen­tu­ate your body the best.   An expe­ri­enced glam­our pho­tog­ra­pher will be able to assist you before­hand in decid­ing what poses would be most suit­able for you, your per­son­al­ity, and the achieve­ment of the over­all results.  Con­sider what would reflect your per­son­al­ity the most.  As I men­tioned above, the Rachel Ray shoot for Maximamuses read­ers with a kitchen set­ting, for she is a chef.  Thus, think along these lines.  Con­sider what aspect of your life you would like to include in the photo shoot.  What are your hob­bies?  What would make the right state­ment for you?

Styling Brings the Vision to Life
When con­cep­tu­al­iz­ing the photo ses­sion, dis­cuss with styling with your pho­tog­ra­pher.  Find out what hair­styles, make-up tech­niques, and wardrobe choices are appro­pri­ate for the look you want.  Review exam­ples of the make-up artist’s work.  Take a glance through the wardrobe consultant’s ideas.  A pro­fes­sional, suc­cess­ful glam­our pho­tog­ra­pher would be able to lis­ten to you, and project the type of image you wish to achieve and relay this effec­tively to the pro­fes­sional make-up artist and wardrobe con­sul­tant.  The pho­tog­ra­pher will be able to make the look cohe­sive ensur­ing every­one is on the same page.

Fur­ther­more, think about what emo­tions the over­all pic­ture por­trays.  For exam­ple, if you are going for some­thing soft, and sen­sual, then the make-up should appear translu­cent, the hair would be wavy and tou­sled, and the cloth­ing soft and flow­ing.  Noth­ing rigid or extreme styled for this type of photo.  How­ever, if you are going for a Var­gas pin-up inspired pho­to­graph, red lips would pop, hair would be in a fin­ger wave, and the styling would be very high, plat­form heels reflect­ing that time frame.  The clothes were nor­mally 2 pieces with lots of leg show­ing.   Search online for Var­gas pin-ups and you will see what types of styles he used in his images.

Glam­our Pho­tog­ra­pher brings it All Together
A glam­our pho­tog­ra­pher brings your vision to life.  He/she is able to inter­pret what you are try­ing to achieve and coor­di­nate the image with all the par­ties involved.  Thus, the pho­tog­ra­pher you choose needs to be able to com­mu­ni­cate effec­tively.  He/she must have a clear under­stand­ing of what you wish to attain.  If not, then move on to some­one else.  Be thor­ough dur­ing your selec­tion process.  Do not choose some­one who is not on the same wave­length as you.  Find some­one who is able to deliver the work promised.

Addi­tion­ally, exam­ine how skilled the pho­tog­ra­pher is with dig­i­tal touch-ups.  Look at before and after shots.  Are the touched-up images notice­able?  Does the pho­tog­ra­pher use the lat­est ver­sion of Pho­to­Shop?  Is he/she pro­fi­cient in Pho­to­Shop, and is the work com­pleted in a timely manner?

Fur­ther­more, find out what is included in the photographer’s fees.  Are you able to keep all the neg­a­tives?  What is the turn­around regard­ing the length of time it takes from the day of the photo shoot until the day you receive the fin­ished prod­uct?  All of these attrib­utes fac­tor into whether the poten­tial glam­our pho­tog­ra­pher is for you.

Being a glam­our pho­tog­ra­phy model is the ulti­mate retreat from life.  You do not have to be a super­model or a skinny size 0 fash­ion model. You do not have to do it pro­fes­sion­ally to receive the enjoy­ment of being pam­pered for the day.  Call an expe­ri­enced glam­our pho­tog­ra­pher today and find out where the pos­si­bil­i­ties lead you.

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